Sponsorship Phoenix

« Mécénat Phénix » is the name of a specific patronage aiming at offering a regular  financial help to an organisation of general interest the Association Toriyaba monitors in Burkina Faso.

A Phoenix is a legendary animal: it can be reborn from its ashes.

« Mécénat Phénix » aims at reabilitating vulnerable people in Burkina Faso who have been excluded from a normal social life against their will.
It means giving the opportunity of a re-birth after being hurt and rejected.

 ‘ Mécénat Phoenix Support ‘ aims at reabilitating vulnerable people in Burkina Faso who have been rejected by society for traditional or cultural reasons. Their poverty excludes them from recognition in their community.

Phoenix Support  aims at offering them a ‘ new start ‘  and a decent life after the shock of rejection.
At present Phoenix Support helps « SOS Fille Mère », a project supporting very young girls who have become mothers after rape or sexual abuse. According to cultural  tradition they were banished from their family ; a rejection has hurt them and made them fragile.

These very young girls are welcome by the burkinabè association « SOS Fille/Mère » in Ouagadougou. They are given a shelter, offered the opportunity of a new start and a profession, helping them to regain self-respect.
The Association Toriyaba asks for a financial commitment so that your generosity contributes regularly to the  cost of the project. The French taxes give a receipt for every contribution.

How should you proceed ?

  • The platform Helleasso offers a means of payment to help this project . Click here
  • To know more about SOS Filles Mères, click here for an interview of the president of the Association SOS Filles-Mères

Copyright photos : Chalamon – SOS Fille/mère